This year we celebrated the 10th anniversary of our first parade and to celebrate we had delicious cup cakes made by Joanne Wilkinson. We had a great night on the bus with loads of different conversations and so many laughs many of them thanks to the members of Dunamoney band. Again, we gave out some of the Queens Jubilee books to bands.
At the beginning of the parade there was a jeep that kept driving slowly past the bus, this happened about 3 times the last time the driver stopped and started out asking questions about the project, he then said he was an elder in the local Presbyterian church and he would pray for us at their prayer meeting on Tuesday nights. Then a member of Newtownstewart Red Hand Defenders arrived in a gave us a very generous donation.
A big thank you to the band for their generosity.
Thanks a million, to Hans Johnston for again being our photographer for the evening.