The 1st Friday in June finds the bus in Markethill for Kilcluney Volunteers Band parade.
Congratulations to Ivan Walker who has arranged this parade for the last 30 years.
Thank you to all who helped Valerie on the bus tonight.
The night started with a visit from William who is one of our regulars on the bus he is
only 4 years old so tonight he brought his mum, granny and granda to meet me.
It was lovely.
When you are at a band parade help is always at hand. It ranges from help to get the bus parked,
putting out table, books etc. The help with that is usually from James and Hans, also thank you to James
for the buns again tonight. Ben and Andrea helped on the bus tonight and to Noel Greer for his help with
parking the bus.
This is one of the biggest parades of the season, it great to see new people on the bus.
Our new bands bibles are been taken at nearly every band parade and so is our booklet.
We are still receiving very positive comments on the Praise Him on a big bass Drum booklets. We have now
given away over 1000 booklets so far.
As we were packing up a man came to the back door and thanked us for what we do, and said we
are doing a great job. It is really nice to receive those words from someone who doesn't come
unto the bus.
We had a lot of our usual people on tonight and it is always great to sit and chat with them.
It was great to have Cyril on the bus tonight and get to know him a bit better.
Tonight we had a visitor - a young man who usually visits the bus at Kilcluney's parade. He came in and asked for a Bible, it was great to sit and chat with him.
A big thank you is due to William Bradshaw who took photograps for the project tonight.
And to top the night off we received an invitation to South Fermanagh parades.
For the full photo gallery click here