A lot of people imagine that band parades just happen but they don't in most cases there
is a lot of work involved before the parade.
Being the biggest parade Kilcluney's takes more preparation
than most.
The bus arrived in Markethill at 3 pm to find quite a few members of the band hard at work putting up barriers,
placing bins etc.
The first visitor to the bus was around 5pm and it didn't stop all evening. It is the only parade that we have had to fill up
the water containers. But help was always at hand - for example - Matthew who is 11 and a regular visitor to the bus. Thank you Matthew. Also many thanks to Margaret Steenson for all her hard work.
It was a lovely evening and the tables and chairs were out, and at the end the night some of the members of Ballymacall band helped me to
put all the tables and chairs back on the bus. Then along came the McCullough family, and they helped putting away all the rest of the stuff on the bus.
There were so many visitiors to the bus and a lot of them new, which was great.
The bus left Markethill at 12.20 am after a great night.
Again we were blessed by band members bringing us stuff for the bus. James Johnston and his grandmother made special buns and they were enjoyed by
A big thank you to Kilcluney for their welcome and all their help.
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